Thanks to your feedback via Instagram, email and Facebook in 2021, I’m looking into producing a new series of large prints for sale, which will also be made into packs of greetings cards.
One of the images I’ll be making into a print and a greetings card.
Many years ago, I produced a few different card series in collaboration with some good friends. It was a really fun project, though a lot of hard work (this was in the days before iPhones and social media!) but the greetings card industry was a tough one to crack in those days. I find it interesting that in this digital age, there seems to be a renewed interest in physical artwork and cards. I wonder if perhaps people are writing to each other more during this time of Covid, as we’re looking for a slower, more considered and perhaps more satisfying way of keeping in touch. WhatsApp and email are convenient, but I’ve always felt that nothing beats receiving a card through the post, then taking the time to sit down and read it.
Having said that, the experience of publishing and selling the 2020 and 2021 calendar has been quite different to my experiences back in the 90s, as email and social media have enabled us to reach people across the world. I’m amazed at the variety of locations we have sent the calendar away to, and was utterly thrilled that it sold out as quickly as it did.
I’ll be posting images of the new cards and prints on Instagram, and will have a page up on the website soon. If you’re interested in any of the items, then do get in touch and we’ll let you know when they are available.
In the meantime, thank you for your support!